Thursday, 17 December 2009
Filming: A Disaster Strikes
The actress we had employed for the scenes which we were going to film today, the happier flashback scenes in our video, has therefore accepted and agreed on rearranging filming to when she is free on her A2-Level timetable, which will be the first couple of weeks when we are back in College after the Christmas holiday period.
Friday, 11 December 2009
Ipswich Waterfront: Filming On-Location & Capturing Video with Final Cut Pro
When we returned to College we went back to the Editing Suite and captured the video onto the Apple Mac computer via a Firmware cable and the Editing Software/Programme Final Cut Pro, ready to be edited when we start editing after Christmas. We had fixed the 'timecode' issue on the camera today that we had problems with throughout last year's project and Prelimary Exercises designed to make us aware of the possible issues with Mini DV-Tape Camcorders.
Josh: "During the filming we have managed to execute we have been keen to produce a variety of camera shots and angles which serve to add both texture and characterisation to our video. For example we have played around with focus in some of our shots so that our main character (Chris K) is at first out of focus and then comes into it as the camera comes across him. We hope that this technique will produce the effect of portraying the character as someone who is not quite in tune with the world because he is in mourning. As well as that we have used several tracking and panning shots to show the character's journey, moreover his meandering struggle with his own existence."
Storyboards: Animatic
From my initial storyboard drawings, I extracted each shot and aligned them in a timeline with the music we are using, "5 Years Time" by Noah and the Whale, in order to create an "Animatic" version of our video in my own editing software on my PC at home - Microsoft Windows Movie Maker. Although I should have used Final Cut Pro, I decided that I didn't really need any expert or professional-looking effects or transitions on the Animatic version as it was only the rough draft of the final piece.
The purpose of the Animatic was to picture how each shot would look and how we could improve on the shots in order for both the music and our storyline to make sense.
If you have any prob;ems viewing the Animatic (below), follow this link to the video on my YouTube Channel:
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Group Treatment: Cinematography - Chris Kenworthy (My Contribution)
For this task to be completed accurately I took into consideration various rules, codes and conventions used by professionals and expert cameramen in the media, when filming with any type of video camera system. These include the “Rule of Thirds”, the “180 degree line rule”, the “30 degree line rule”, “Handles”, “Match-On-Action” (continuity and flow of one shot into another), and “Framing”.
The “180 degree line rule” will apply greatly to the continuity and comfortability of the video from the audience’s point of view. If the man walks from the right to the left of the screen and the girl from the left to the right of the screen, in shots to follow this known movement should be retained, unless otherwise shown by the camera, where the camera tracks from one side to the other. Then, once you have explained how the two characters have been moving and how we as an audience have ‘crossed’ that ‘line’, as a cameraman you can then begin to develop shots with a different point of view of the characters. Otherwise, a bad mistake and confusion can often lead to audiences becoming less interested in your production and your mishap is considered to be a moviemaking error and a bad piece of camerawork.
I found the videos below on YouTube, and after using them for my Coursework project last year (Film Noir project) I decided to watch and use them again this year as they make the complicated rules easier to understand, use and follow.
For the first shot, the establishing shot, we had discussed a possible point-of-view shot of the Sun. This is personification of the Sun because we are seeing what the Sun sees, if it had a point of view of our world. So, I took this as a consideration, and as a result I have decided that the first shot could either be a High Angle Shot from the Sun’s point-of-view, or indeed a Low Angle Shot of the Sun, then from the Low Angle the camera tilts down to look at the street, but at the same time elevating the tripod using the Elevate/Depress tripod controls, so that when the street does come into view we see the street as if it is from the Sun’s point-of-view, or that of a CCTV camera (as in the CCTV camera joke video above), but looking to the right of the street.
The second shot is a continuation of the first, so Match-On-Action is increasingly important here. We see the man walking, “wandering aimlessly by the water’s edge” as Josh had put in our Synopsis. I was thinking of maybe a High Angle Shot looking down to the left of the street, the camera on the opposite side of the street this time, and focusing on the man as he walks from the right to the left of the screen, continuing his movements from the first, establishing shot. I was hoping that to cut down on the number of shots we actually use, we could make these two opening shots into one long one, so that we are not worried about the flow of the cuts, but if we do film and edit these as two shots then we must pay particular attention to the “180 degree line rule” and the continuity and flow of the transition between the two shots.
The third shot is of the man as he sits down by the water’s edge and dangles his legs over the edge of the promenade, his legs dangling above the water. We could have a Wide Shot of him as he walks to where he will sit down, the camera panning left to give him some “looking space” in the framing of the shot when he sits down. As he has approached and sat down next to the camera, the shot changes from a Wide Shot to a Medium Shot. Originally I thought we could have only the man in focus (Shallow Focus) then when he crouches to sit down we re-focus the shot so that both the foreground and the background are in focus.
When he sits down, the next shot is of his legs dangled over the edge and his reflection in the water below. Because I wanted to show his legs at the bottom of the frame, I think this shot will be better shot as a handheld shot, and have a focus pull from his legs to his reflection, ready for the next shot of the water where we see him and his girlfriend reflected in the water. She isn’t really there, and the reflection of her is just one of his memories which sets us up for the shot to follow.
To be creative, I thought the next shot of the water could be in the past, still with their reflections in the water, only this time it is a memory, not so much an illusion. I thought we could have the shot of his legs and her legs dangling over the edge, only they are both in different clothing to his present - in summer clothes, and as they get up and leave happily from the spot at which they were sitting, in the next shot (a Long Shot), hand-in-hand, the real man in the present time still sits there, and sees his memory as if he is a ghost in another world, invisible to others but not to us, watching as their relationship together (in his past) progresses to the video’s climax. I reckon we can add this effect to the video in Editing, and only involves superimposing, or overlaying one shot onto another.
We had discussed, as a group and with our lecturer Jon, that we could use the effect on our video called “Super 8mm” which was an old type of camera. I researched this on various websites, and found a video on YouTube which was the best example I could find of this video effect. It comprises handheld footage with the style of watching a reel of negatives produced from, for example, a family holiday in the 1960s, viewed in the 21st Century. We agreed that if we could in fact create this kind of effect for our video on our Editing software Final Cut Pro (on the Apple Macintosh computers in our Editing suite), as the camera equipment we are using records onto Mini-DV Tapes, then we would use this effect to our advantage on shots where we see the man’s flashbacks and memories on-screen.
Concluding on the fact that our narrative is about a man who now has a sad life, remembering (through the use of flashbacks) the good times he had with his girlfriend, I thought of using mostly Wide Shots or Medium Shots, with a couple of Dutch Tilts here and there where appropriate and maybe a couple of Extreme Close-ups on their hands joined in his flashback. I want to include a shot where we are focused on a metal fence (in the tennis courts?) with them arguing in the background but out of focus, then pulling off a Focus-Pull so that when she leaves him after their argument (in the tennis courts?), we focus on him, alone, and possibly crying (or not).
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Group Treatment: Mise-En-Scene (MES) - Emily Swager

At the beginning of the Music Promotional Video the Girl will be wearing normal clothes (Jeans, shirt), and the Man will also be wearing normal clothes (Jeans, top). When the man is by himself he will be wearing a different top, Jeans and a jacket (he will have his hands in the jacket pockets to make him look more sad).

At the end of our video, the Girl will be wearing normal winter clothes (Jeans, top and a thicker coat) to show that it is getting colder. The Man will be wearing normal winter clothes (jeans, top and a thick coat), again to show that it is getting colder.
Whenever the two of them are together their costumes should be lighter, for instance they can be wearing white or brighter colours (like blue), to try to reflect the feeling of the summery weather. And, as time goes by, they wear darker, thicker clothing. For instance, the Man could start with a normal blue shirt, then as the song progresses he wears navy blue colours.
Whenever the Man is by himself he will be wearing neutral colours, so a neutral jacket colour like muddy grass green, and his shirt can be a black (the same goes for his jeans) to try and show that he is mourning.

Beginning of the pop promo – A bench (when the man is alone) but the bench will already be at the docks.
Ending – We need a jar that looks like an urn, also we need ashes, which we will get from Josh’s fireplace.
Whenever the two are together it will be natural light to make it seem happier. And whenever the man is by himself we should try and use low-key lighting to make things moodier or we can add more shade to make it look darker.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Group Treatment: Editing - Josh Payne
Editing: Our narrative consists of two time scales so it will be important to make it clear which scale we are in by possibly using visually arresting cuts such as swipe edits when we switch time scales. Apart from those moments I intend to stick mostly to conventional edits although I may employ a couple of jump cuts during the argument to create an atmosphere of chaotic friction. I may also use a couple of graphic matches during the rapid cuts of the choruses in order to show the breaking symmetry of the periods.
In addition we have also discussed using a "Super 8mm" type of visual colour for the flashbacks as it creates a sense of hyper reality as well as harking back to a time in the past. It will also hopefully further distinguish between the different time scales keeping the audience abreast of what is happening in order to avoid confusion. It is also important to point out that editing can play a more significant role in this project than in our film noir project as cuts are often more obvious and stylised in pop promos.
Josh's Development of Ideas:
As I have already mentioned this you may have noticed that as a group we have decided to change our song from 5 Years Time to Blue Skies by the same band, Noah and the Whale. Just recently, in a discussion with Emily (another group discussion) we came to the conclusion that we were, in fact, using the original song, "5 Years Time". We did this because our ideas for the original song became more about grief after joy rather than the sadness of a break-up which is the primary theme of the new song "Blue Skies". Emily was particularly keen on bringing the theme of loss and the grief which follows, into our promo and Josh and I also became passionate about the idea. We briefly considered employing these themes in the 5 Years Time song and making the promo ironic compared to the song.
Our decision to switch songs was further influenced when we played the song for the rest of the group and pitched our idea. The overriding feeling seemed to be that they liked the idea but felt that the song wasn't appropriate for our story line.
Furthermore after discussing story lines we came to the conclusion that the promo will feature two characters, a man and woman. I agreed to play the man, following my highly acclaimed performance in our film noir project, whilst the girl will be played by our mutual friend Emily Halls. As an added point we have decided to film the scenes involving both characters from the point of view of the man in a similar style to the channel 4 sitcom Peep Show.
Josh's Individual Ideas
Josh sketched out a few individual ideas for the promo which we as a group have incorporated, however some of his individual ideas were rejected probably understandably.
Josh's Blog URL:
Emily's Blog URL:
Friday, 27 November 2009
Primary Research - Questionnaire Analysis
- Have you ever heard of Noah and The Whale?
- What type of music do you like to listen to?
- Which do you like better: a Music Promotional Video with a Narrative or Performance?
- Do you like music with Lyrics or without Lyrics?
- Would you watch the Video of a song even if you didn’t like the song?
From the first question the results were interesting as a lot of people have heard of Noah and the Whale; out of the seven, six people have heard of them. This is good, in a way, because it means that these students have an idea of what type of genre Noah and the Whale play, but at the same time it is bad as these students can compare our Music Promotional Video with the original, official Video that Noah and the Whale had created.
In the music world, there is a variety of different types of Genre for music, but the main types of Genres are: Metal, Rock, R&B, Hip Hop, Pop, Trance, Country, Folk (and nu-folk, where Noah and the Whale sits), Indie (Noah and the Whale are also an Indie band), and Classical. A lot of these students prefer many different types of Genres rather than sticking to just one Genre. There is a joint top for the most popular Genre of music in the answers to the Questionnaire which we had distributed. These are: Metal, Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop, and Pop. This isn’t a good result for our group as the Genres of music where Noah and the Whale like to perform in are Indie and Folk music Genres, which the students have not even included in their favourite types of music.Because our Video contains only a narrative, we were interested in what people prefer in a music video. The choices we provided as answers for this question were either a “Performance-based Video”, or a “Narrative-based Video”. The result of this question resulted in an equal split between the two options, which is good to know because a lot of the students had chosen both. However, this is a good result for our group, as we now know that it is not that important to have any Performance and no one will be disappointed. If we were creating a Video for a Rock band, like AC/DC, then maybe we would have had to include some Performance.
In the fourth question, we asked do they like lyrics in a song or not in relation to Question 2, where we asked what Genre(s) of music they prefer. Because some people in our class are actually creating a Video for a song without lyrics, it seemed a relevant and important question to ask. This question related to Question 2 - what type of music people like to listen to, making a selection from those Genre’s of music that we provided as optional answers. Most of those Genres usually have lyrics in the songs, apart from “trance”. This is good for our group as we have lyrics in our song, “5 Years Time”. Also, lyrics are good for a Music Promotional Video as it can provide a Narrative which the audience can follow, rather than a Video without lyrics, because then the Promotional Video can follow the beat of the music rather than the lyrics of the song.
The last question we asked whether or not they would watch the video to a song even if they didn’t like the song. We wanted to know the answer to this because it is useful to know if any of the [asked] students would actually be interested in looking up Noah and the Whale. Unfortunately, the results of this question showed that people prefer to watch a Promotional Video for a song that they actually like. Students who didn’t mind watching a Video if they didn’t like the song only said that they would watch the Video for reasons to do with “Research”. I think that this is a true point - if you like a song a lot, most people want to see how the band have managed to create an image for it on screen (on television or on the Internet via a website such as YouTube).
Considering the results and answers collected from our research via this questionnaire, we think that our group is on the right path of knowing how to capture this audience, but at the same time we know that the down side of creating a video for this particular song is that no one in our class listens to or enjoys Indie or Folk music, which might put our fellow students off from watching our Music Promotional Video.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Primary Research - Feedback from A2 Media Class
After finalising our idea we were required to pitch our ideas to the rest of our A Level group by telling them a brief version of the synopsis and treatment as well as playing them our song. It seemed that most of the group were not great fans of the song as it was "too happy and upbeat" which suggests that this section of our age group prefers a darker and more sombre melody to a typical Noah and the Whale tune. They did however express positive feedback for our narrative which involves the end of a relationship possibly because of the death of the girl involved. Although some of the group did express slight concerns that the song was not appropiate for the story and that the melancholic undertones would be subdued by the 'jolly' nature of the song but we countered this by saying that we are aiming for a 'bittersweet' tone which highlights the contrast between the good times and the bad in the relationship hence showing clearly the tragedy of these snippets of a broken heart. Our tutor meanwhile indicated support for our idea and was passionate about the themes we were looking to explore. Finally one problem we may have is that as we are using an established band our audience may already have prejudices which could dissuade them from liking our pop promo which would not be a problem for other groups who are using local bands that they know personally who are unknown to the vast majority of people.
Me: (This is the exact feedback, jotted down when spoken by other students):
- Maybe try to have the narrative in relation to the lyrics, not a sad story for a happy cheerful song, but could add sadder bits (car crashes etc.) near to end.
- Don’t bother with Action Man & Barbie dolls in the video - maybe just one shot (photograph) of them together, then not at all after this!
- May need a Hollywood ending, but the video itself needs more of a conclusion.
- The song is too literal, so maybe having a sad dark story with happy flashbacks may contradict the song/video relationship.
Group Idea: Synopsis for "5 Years Time" by Noah and the Whale
Song: "5 Years Time" by Noah and the Whale
Rundown of Lyrics - "5 Years Time", by Emily Swager
Emily Swager, one of our group members, typed up this simple document, with the lyrics of our song "5 Years Time" and alongside these lyrics are notes regarding camera footage, which I shall cover in my Cinematography Treatment. These were our ideas at the start, lyrics are in black and camera notes are in Italics and in red. I got this from her Blog, the URL address for this specific 'Post' is above!
(At the docks by himself sitting down looking at his legs looks sad - first 38secs)
Oh well in five years time we
could be walking round a zoo (high angle shot in park (establishing) to point of view in docks, walking around happy)
With the sun shining down over me and you
And there’ll be love in the bodies of the elephants too
And I’ll put my hands over your eyes, but you’ll peep through
(Rapidly cuts between two different time frames)
And there’ll be sun sun sun (them happy in the docks)
All over our bodies
And sun sun sun (switching back to him walking alone at the docks)
All down our necks
And sun sun sun (happy couple)
All over our faces
And sun sun sun (him alone)
So what the heck
Cos I’ll be laughing at all your
silly little jokes (This is set in the park playing tennis)
And we’ll be laughing about how we used to smoke
All those stupid little cigarettes, and drink stupid wine
Cos it’s what we needed to have a good time
And it was fun fun fun
When we were drinking (them happy playing tennis ball bounces then cuts to him alone)
It was fun fun fun
When we were drunk (him staring into the tennis court)
And it was fun fun fun
When we were laughing (ball bounces back to them laughing playing tennis)
It was fun fun fun
Oh it was fun (then him staring into tennis courts but we shoot him through the gate)
Oh well I look at you and say (Them playing hide and seek near the tree him hiding behind the tree)
It’s the happiest that I’ve ever been
And I’ll say I no longer feel I have to be James Dean
And she’ll say (Them running down hill happy)
Yeah well I feel all pretty happy too
And I’m always pretty happy when I’m just kicking back with you
And it’ll be (Them happy playing still running up hill)
Love love love
All through our bodies (cuts when he goes behind tree and turns)
around and cuts to him alone near the tree
And love love love
All through our minds (happy)
And it be Love love love
All over her face (sad)
And Love love love
All over mine (sad)
Although maybe all these moments are just in my head (him lying in the road remembering times)
I’ll be thinking ‘bout them as I’m lying in bed
And all that I believe might never really come true (she walks across but like a ghost and he sees her but she just vanishes)
But in my mind I’m havin’ a pretty good time with you
Oh, In Five years time (Them in the road and they are fighting)
I might not know you
In Five years time
We might not speak
Oh, In five years time
We might not get along
In five years time,
You might just prove me wrong (we see her just vanish)
Oh there’ll be love love love (during this time is the different places that they were together: Christchurch Park, Docks - Ipswich Waterfront, and the street) of them just being happy)
Wherever you go
There’ll be love love love
Wherever you go
There’ll be love love love
Wherever you go
There’ll be love love love (by this bit you see him near the tree in Christchurch Park and him alone)
Wherever you go
There’ll be love love love
Wherever you go
There’ll be love love love
Wherever you go
There’ll be love love love (this bit he scatteres ashes and we get a still shot (?) of the ashes coming out of the jar).
Group Production Meetings: More Decisions
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Develop individual ideas for Package: PP, CD, AD
Once I had completed this analysis I was aware of how the band has been marketed and how they market themselves, and with my group I was able to discuss the possible options for the structure of our narrative. Then I went on to analyse the album covers for the two albums Noah and the Whale have released - Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down, and The First Days of Spring. I also analysed the covers for the e-single of 5 Years Time and that of the newly-decided song to use for our Music Promotional Video, Blue Skies.
A step into the modern world, their new 2009 album The First Days of Spring (the album cover second from right) sees a photo of Noah and the Whale band members in a grassy field, frontman Charlie Fink looking at the audience though either an old camera of some sort or a handheld telescope, the other three band members to the left him out of focus and looking up at the sky as if they are looking at the title of the album and waiting for ‘the first days’ of Spring.
I have found out the difference between the Album and Single CD Covers for one of the songs which we had wanted to use and the song which we now want to use for our Music Promotional Video, and so the Cover which I will create will incorporate and combine some of the images, typefaces, drawings and colours that have been used in Noah and the Whale’s previous album artworks.
Therefore, I was hoping to create an Album Cover for the “Blue Skies” and "5 Years Time" songs on it, but this would be a new album featuring the best-selling songs of Noah and the Whale, even though the songs from the new album The First Days of Spring, including Blue Skies, haven’t yet had enough time to sell. My album artwork will be incorporating Noah and the Whale’s image, the image that they seem to have redeveloped, but the artwork has to appeal to audiences of Noah and the Whale music otherwise the album simply wouldn’t sell.
Originally, I thought that the Album Artwork could feature a photograph from the video itself, maybe this could be where I bring in my “Action Man and Barbie dolls” idea! The CD package (Digipack) itself could be a montage or mosaic of several images from our video or images of wildlife in a wood or forest. The front would be different from the back, and so on through the Digipack, until all faces of the Digipack have a different image or item, but similarly-themed, on them.
I thought the band’s artwork for the Single CD of “Blue Skies” was a little too bland and plain and should have contained more to portray the song itself, other than silhouettes of the band members on the backdrop of a plain blue sky. Their album cover was a little bit more exciting, but both designs lacked something. As if they were designed to be too perfect and too precise. I went and researched other band’s artwork for Single CDs and Albums, looking at some of AC/DC’s artwork, some artwork from The Beach Boys and then Status Quo. What I found was that on some covers there were shots, or photographs, of the band members. On one of The Beach Boys’ old vinyl records, which I found at home in my collection of vinyl records, not only were they there but they seemed to be enjoying themselves. I looked at my Status Quo Greatest Hits double-CD Digipack (“XS All Areas”), and although the image on the front cover featured a photograph/hand-drawing of the two main members of the band, Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt, but they were playing their guitars with long hair. The shot had been drawn/taken when in concert, where the boys were performing their famous rock and roll moves whilst playing their guitars, which they still do today, and similarly with The Beach Boys they seemed to be enjoying themselves.
I looked at Fleetwood Mac’s "Tango In The Night" album (below), which had a painting of wildlife in what looks to be a night in a tropical rainforest, with the birds and creatures. It was the back cover which most appealed to me - in the middle there was a portrait-shaped photograph of the Fleetwood Mac band members, and around this was the names of the songs. But the names of songs had actually been placed around the photograph as if it was a “Spider-diagram”. This was a big inspiration for me and I shall try to incorporate this design into my design for the “Blue Skies” Album, and I will need to call the Album something which bears some resemblance with the band Noah and the Whale. The name which I think should go on the CD, the Digipack/cover and the Poster should be something like “Not Enough To Be Said”.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Research into a Band Similar to Noah and the Whale
Mumford and Sons
Mumford and Sons are a folk/blugrass band who have received positive critical acclaim from national newspapers such as the Guardian who featured them on their 'Band of the Day' online forum. They originated in London's pub folk scene (Twickenham in fact which is where Noah and the Whale originated) and have garnered a strong cult following amongst this crowd. In fact two of their band members even when to the same school as Noah and the Whale's bass player.
They released their debut album Lend Me Your Eyes in July 2008 and its lead single Roll Away Your Stone was featured as Radio 2's single of the week. They are attached to the label Chess Club which released their second album in November. In addition they made a successful appearance at the Cambridge Folk Festival where they wooed audiences with their country-tinged acoustic anthems mainly featuring banjos and double bass. The band pride themselves on their lyrical sensibilities about love, loss and despair. They also dabble in socio-political messages which is a nod to the decades of work by Bob Dylan. Finally, the band features as one of its singers, Laura Marling who has sung with Noah and the Whale.
They finished a nationwide tour in 2008 with support from Peggy Sue, Pete Roe, The Cutaway and more. They are now touring with the Maccabees and have been longlisted for the BBCs Sound of 2009. As well as that they have received airtime and support from Radio 1 DJs Zane Lowe and Greg James as well as XFMs Dave Berry. Mumford & Sons won Best Band at the 3rd Annual BalconyTV Music Video Awards in Dublin on 3 July 2009. In addition they now have a specially designated playlist folder On Virgin TV On Demand along with the likes of the Rolling Stones and Lady Gaga which goes to the show that they have broken into mainstream culture.
Some of their songs include:
- Little Lion Man
- Winter Winds
- White Blank Page
- Feel The Tide
- The Cave
Research into Target Audience and Fan Base - Noah and the Whale
The song 5 Years Time was re-released as an e-single (digital download) as it was such a success in the UK Singles Chart, then the band’s new album, The First Days of Spring was released in 2009 whilst the band were on tour. If their single "5 Years Time" could reach the Top Ten in the UK Singles Chart then they must appeal to younger generations (such as teenagers) who have grown up in the modern era of technological advancements, such as the ability to download music from the internet via torrents, peer-to-peer programmes and illegal "free mp3" download websites which are openly available. There are decreasing numbers in people who buy music CDs and instead download from the internet. There are legal ways of downloading these songs but the return received for the music is destroying the music industry, so many of the big bands are struggling for money whereas newer lesser known bands are succeeding. An example is the success of the UK band Arctic Monkeys who launched themselves via the internet, online forums and word of mouth until they offered downloads of their songs. Their popularity on the internet meant record companies were offering them an official contract. Therefore, through analysis of one band, I am beginning to understand that Noah and the Whale may only appeal to people who know about recent technological advancements and how widely available these mediums of technology now are.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Research into Band/Artist’s Star Construction - Noah and the Whale
The “Star Image” of Noah and the Whale is how they are perceived by their audience. The audience, as I have researched at one of the band’s forums,, and be honest, people have said that they don’t like the song 5 Years Time, but some have said that they like it and the song has “grown on me”. A good choice then, I think - create a video for a supposedly unlikeable song (although I like it) that should create some amount of awareness of the band. Looking at this small piece of research, I can easily see that the people who have posted these thoughts on the Absolute Radio forum have no particular interest in the Indie or Folk music genres, and when a song like this comes along they would much rather add their pounds and pennies to the millions earned by artists such as Madonna, BeyoncĂ©, or even the late Michael Jackson.
Josh completed more of this:
As you may have seen, the band deliberately portray themselves as slightly offbeat and quirky and still have a relatively small fan base. A major factor that could contribute towards this idea and the band's image is how they dress. However this small fan base is very positive about the band, for example their is much enthusiasm for the announcement of new singles and tour dates on blogs such as Absolute Radio, Amazon and of course the band's official blog: which also includes entries from the band themselves often commenting on how their tours are progressing or if they are recording any new material.
I would suggest that the target audience for the group is a relatively small group of people who have an existing passion for indie and folk music and are part of a community of friends that does. They will probably also have a general interest in music of an alternative genre to that usually in the UK Charts which is usually dominated by Pop, Metal and Rap. The band however has discussed in interviews about moving towards a more punk rock sound which could possibly alienate some factions of their fan base.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Research into Band/Artist’s Marketing & Promotions - Noah and the Whale
In the above link (webpage) the interviewer and The Guardian newspaper journalist Alice Fisher speaks with Noah and the Whale frontman Charlie Fink, and talks of how the band can be described as "nu-folk". This article, if successful in promoting the band, and if read by fans or even new fans, can promote the band's new album The First Days of Spring and is a promotion that the band [possibly] didn't have to pay for, unlike advertisements in magazines which are paid for my the band.

Friday, 13 November 2009
Research into Noah and the Whale's Previous Music Videos
Josh's Analysis of 3 Pop Promos by Noah and the Whale (Blue Skies, Love Of An Orchestra, Shape Of My Heart)
Emily's Analysis of 3 Pop Promos by Noah and the Whale:
Analysis of 3 Pop Promos by Noah and the Whale
The opening scene of this video is what inspired us, especially Emily, in the desired costumes to be worn during filming of our Music Promotional Video for the song “5 Years Time”. In the video, Noah and the Whale frontman Charlie Fink wears what looks to be a wintery jacket from the 1990s, and the bright colours sparked the idea of our character in our Pop Promo for “5 Years Time” wearing bright tennis or jogging tracksuits. The video is mainly shot inside a gym where band members perform gymnastics and dance, but the video is also shot outside, where the frontman (Fink) is listening to the song via headphones. They also stand beside trophies where photographers take their picture, with the band members singing along to the lyrics.
I like the ending to the video - this best describes and shows the effect which can use in our video, I think they’re called “Super 8mm” Type film cameras. The director uses mainly Wide Shots of the band as they try to show the audience the relationship between the lyrics and the music.
From what I can see, there are only two relationships between the lyrics and the visuals which are portrayed in the video. The first relationship is shown in the chorus when the band members have their hands over their hearts. The second occurrence in the video can be seen when and the shoelaces on their opposite-sided shoes are tied together. This shows that between the two shoes the shoelaces are the ‘one heart’, relating to the “2 Bodies and 1 Heart” feel to the very basic narrative. Fink sings of a relationship between him and a girlfriend, and how similar they are to each other.The relationship between the music and the visuals can be found near to the end of the video when the band members move their arms in time with the music (dancing), and even stop their dance movements when the song itself stops.
Genre characteristics shown in this video and song relate strongly to Indie folk music. The medium toned lighting of the video shows this, and Fink’s singing voice sets the tone of the music, therefore making it easier to identify the music genre.The video is performance based, yet the ‘faint-but-still-visible’ narrative crops up in many of the shots. The band members play their instruments, similar to what they do in other videos of theirs such as 5 Years Time. To me, the small narrative is relating to the way in which we want to win but want to win smaller games such as Primary School and Nursery games which we played when we were younger.This video does in fact promote the band as the only people to appear in the video are the band members (Fink & company). Interestingly, they appear in this video more often than in the other music videos the band has released, which goes to show that the director wanted to promote them as much as possible.
I reckon the intended audience is younger adults who are fond of Indie Folk music. Because of the immediate connotations of Folk music, maybe older people (45+) would like this new era of Indie Folk music.
The song which we are creating a music promotional video for is “5 Years Time”. It’s another of Noah and the Whale’s Indie Folk songs, included on the album “Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down” and was later released as an E-Single Digital Download. It reached the top ten of the UK Singles Chart a couple of years ago, so this song was a massive hit for the group, considering the fact that it was released on their debut album. As far as I am aware, “5 Years Time” has been the biggest selling song for Noah and the Whale to date. Therefore, my decision to analyse their version of the video made for the song seemed appropriate as I can then see how the band’s interpretation of the song will differ from our interpretation of the song, and possibly use some of the themes used in their video to our benefit. The notes I gather from this video will also go towards my version of the Synopsis and my initial ideas for the Treatment of the video, and also for the Cinematography Treatment of my group’s final and developed ideas.
Visual Stylistics
M-E-S: The video is located in two locations - a theatre and in a park. The minor location is in the zoo, at the start of the lyrics when “we could be in the zoo” is sung. The theatre is decorated in old, dark 20th Century (or older) colours, objects and materials. A patterned red carpet, red curtains, dark wood panel walls, and a red sofa. Each band member is introduced during the opening instrumental verse. Behind “Doug” and hanging on the yellow stage curtains is a “5” shaped part balloon, highlighting the importance of this number and the name of the song. “Love” is printed on white and purple cushions on the sofa, mirror and pictures hanging on the wood panel walls. On-stage, the performers wear blue jackets, yellow nylon shirts and red-framed and black-tinted sunglasses. Sitting on the sofa, watching the class act, is the band members, dressed in blue pullovers and pretty much the same as the class act. On “sun sun sun” the band members act-out the movements of the sun with their arms in the park, wearing scout’s clothes (yellow nylon shirts and shorts, purple scarves), and on “fun fun fun” the band members act-out the movements of having fun, thrusting their waists forwards and backwards (only lightly, to not offend the video’s audience) on stage in the theatre, wearing the blue, yellow and red-framed glasses costumes. Near the end the band perform the song with their instruments and vocals. Then the band members walk through the park about three-quarters of the way through the video, on the spoken chorus without instruments, in scout’s clothing once again. Near the end the bartenders and band members dance behind the bar in-sync with the music, then the performers on stage bow to the audience. The video ends in the park, where the band members release two party balloons, one of them is the “5” from the theatre and the other is heart-shaped. Then they run off away from the camera.
On each shot of the band members, Medium Shots, Medium Close-ups and Wide Shots are common, and are used to not only show us the character but to show us where they are and what they are doing in that location. When “T’Bone” is playing his violin in the shot near the beginning with the ‘5’ balloon behind him, there is evidence of Key Lighting being used at a low angle pointing up (shadow above and behind him on yellow stage curtains). There is a Big Close-up of the guitar that frontman Charlie Fink strums in the opening riff to the song. On the lyrics, he sings “in the zoo”, so a Low-Angle Wide Shot is used to show him and Laura sitting on a bench in the zoo, as if posing for a photograph. A Medium Close-up of Fink singing and playing guitar.
There is a Big Close-up of Fink and Laura’s heads (at 0.54 seconds), when in the lyrics he sings “peek through”, Fink’s hands over Laura’s eyes, moves fingers to show her “peeking through”. At 0.59 seconds, there is a slightly Low-Angled Long Shot of the four boys from the band, acting out the “sun sun sun” movements, then again but in different costume for “fun fun fun” later in the song. There is a High-Angled Extreme Close-up of one of the boy’s feet at the end of the “sun sun sun” part of the video (1 minute 8 seconds). All in all, the video hasn’t been made with very complex shots, as the video needs to be simple in a similar way to the simple nature of the music and the lyrics.
The editing in this video is superb. Various visual transitions between shots are used, and the video is really lifted by its aged film effect and look and feel of the video with this effect. The transitions look pretty basic and randomly chosen, as if edited on the home-user’s “Windows Movie Maker” programme/software found on many of Microsoft’s ‘Windows XP’ computers, and not a professional video editing programme. Also, the way the video has been edited has a good impact on the viewer. The various, seemingly random transitions add more of a light-hearted nature to the video as they have been selected to give the video this kind of look and feel, and together with the aged film effects the cuts between the shots are spaced out but at medium speed. This is important as it would look uncomfortable to have too many quick shots in a video for a slow-paced song or too many slow cuts in a video for a fast-paced song.
Special Effects
In group production meetings we had discussed the use of the “Super 8mm” film effect in Final Cut Pro, which basically adds an aged look to the video, rather like the playback of old film from 1970’s which has aged, lost some of its colour and is jerky. I discovered that this feature has been used in the other two Noah and the Whale music videos which I have analysed, yet the aged film effect seems to have been used all the way through this video.
Relationship between lyrics and visuals
The video relates a lot to the lyrics. Obvious evidence is at the start with the “zoo”, the location is in the zoo, then the “sun sun sun”, “fun fun fun”, “love love love” and “5 years time, 5 years time, 5 years time” have acted-out movements that relate to the words that are sung. The band members even sing along with the lyrics almost always throughout the video, except where they are acting out the lyrics with their body parts.
Relationship between music and visuals
The visuals relate heavily to the music in this video, as the violins are visibly played when they are played in the music, and the guitar is visibly played by Fink on the opening guitar riff (30 seconds onwards). This goes for just about any other instrument, especially in the ending when the band are together, on-stage, in the theatre playing instruments and singing. The visual cuts between shots occur on the drum beats, as expected from Noah and the Whale videos.
Close-ups of artist and Star Image Motifs
In the opening thirty or so seconds, there are various Close-ups and Medium Shots of each band member with their instruments and their names printed on-screen as titles.
Intertextuality None, but the cushions and the chair when the band members are the audience (1 minute 14 seconds) remind me of a log-wood cabin café up a mountain near Mayrhofen in Austria.
Narrative-based, Performance-based, Concept-based or a combination?
The whole video seems to be performance-based, and as I have noticed in this and the other two Noah and the Whale music videos I have analysed (2 Bodies 1 Heart and Shape Of My Heart) there is a little bit of narrative involved, where they try and relate the video to the lyrics.
In conclusion, I must admit that the song is catchy and the video is fun to watch, as is their Shape Of My Heart video, and this video shows signs of sticking to their Indie and Folk genres, especially their “nu-folk” style video effects and transitions that really give the video a facelift from being like a home movie or a photo album, which is the idea that I have gathered from this video. Not only does the music stick to the themes that Noah and the Whale have set out in their other videos but they have added their own touch to the video, and instead of performing in the same way as other bands in their music video for “5 Years Time”, but they also act in their own videos, which for many bands wouldn’t be the case. This video especially has given be a different perspective as to how the band themselves view the song, which gives me inspiration to complete my own video based on the ideas gathered from this video and the themes used, which relate to the lyrics and the music. Therefore, I must conclude for the analysis of all three videos which I have looked at - I am inspired by the costumes used in 2 Bodies 1 Heart, I am inspired by the humour, the costumes, and character names and relationships in Shape Of My Heart and am inspired by the themes used in 5 Years Time which I hope to engage and use in my version of 5 Years Time.
Shape Of My Heart:
The next Music Promotional Video that I have analysed by Noah and the Whale is “Shape Of My Heart”, another of their Indie Folk songs from the album “The First Days of Spring”. The rhythmic high-pitched guitar music carries with it some of the characteristics you might find in Folk music, but Noah and the Whale, as seen and heard throughout the rest of the videos which I have analysed, are indeed a ‘nu-folk’ band and have added their own, independent ‘touch’ to this known music genre.
Visual Stylistics
MES: The establishing shot comprises of the back of a wrestler jumping about with his arms raised in a kind of superhero stance, in front of what looks to be a fairground attraction - a pack of cards lined along shelves, only the cards are bigger than normal playing cards (good use of props). The character “El Corazon” (the wrestler) first is in his wrestling suit, then in the next few shots he walks towards the “El Maxio Wrestling Club” in a smart black suit, yet still wearing his yellow facial wrestling mask. The Noah and the Whale band members are all wearing similar pale blue jackets and trousers (outside the Wrestling Club) and yellow shirts Mexican-style and all are wearing traditional Mexican-style black ‘Sombrero’ hats. When El Corazon enters shot in his black suit, the camera tracks right, with him on the left of the screen in a Medium Shot, giving him looking space as he walks in slow-motion to the right, the girl using wedding-style confetti and flower-petals to throw over him as he walks by her (she is now standing), giving this character a sense of importance in this video, which we later learn more about. Interesting use of smoke when Frank is introduced near the end of the video.
Characters, their ‘Tabloid Newspaper Headline’ nicknames, (and their costumes) and location where they appear:
- El Corazon (Wrestler costume): appears in every scene (all locations)
- The Communist “the Commy Wife Beater!” (Pirate/Nazi Officer costume): appears in the boxer’s workout room.
- Wolf Boy “Puberty Bites Back!” (Normal clothes and hair): appears in gym where El Corazon is weight-lifting.
- Vamparella “Busty Blood Sucker From Hell!” (Black and green exposed-cleavage tight suit): appears in toilets after El Corazon has flushed the toilet (notices her in mirror, humour as he first focuses on her breasts.
- Mr One Eye “He’s Only Got One Eye!” (Comic superhero costume with red drape and huge eye as its head): jumps down stairs to bottom where El Corazon notices him.
- Killer Robot “He’s Programmed... To Kill!” (tin-foil and mirror-like material-covered box): seems to ‘zap’ into the scene at the bottom of the stairs, like when Star Trek characters are ‘beamed to and from the U.S.S. Enterprise’.
- Frank “Just Call Him Sir!” (tall hunchback version of Frankenstein, without the pole-through-neck): walks crookedly through mist/stage-smoke into room of the boxing ring.
Cinematography: The second shot seems to be one of the longest during the opening sequence. The camera tilts down from a Low-Angle Wide Shot of the sign at the top of the Wrestling Club, then as the camera tilts and pans to the bottom left, the frame is zoomed in so that the shot has transformed into a Medium Shot of frontman Charlie Fink playing his guitar, then zooms out to show the girl of the group, pans left to the other group members by the door, playing what looks to be a larger version of a baby’s rattle, pans right to Fink once more and zooms in to a Medium Close-Up of the girl who is clearly sitting down. This is one of the most complex scenes in the video as so many features of the video-camera are used, such as the tilt, pan and zoom features.
Editing: The first titles to appear do so on his back in yellow, the typeface looks to be the kind used in a cartoon (reminds me of the opening sequence to The Flintstones), which reads: “El Corazon in Shape Of My Heart...featuring” with the ‘featuring’ in a smaller sized yellow typeface, and underneath this appears the “Noah and the Whale” square-typeface and shaped logo which appears in many of their videos, including “5 Years Time”.
Special Effects: The first shot has been cleverly edited to look like older footage, maybe a memorable time from the past. The simple yet effective old-age film effect has been added, along with the well known sound of old film, to give the opening establishing shot more emphasis over the rest of the video. The same effect has been added at a couple of other points during the video.
Relationship between lyrics and visuals
In terms of the narrative, the video doesn’t really associate itself with the lyrics. Having said that, the band members when shown are playing their instruments and Fink is miming along with the lyrics, so there is a little bit of performance.
Relationship between music and visuals
Each cut is in tune and occurs with the beats of the song, and various comic-book transitions, including the ‘zigzag’ transition, are used between two shots, mainly to stage the end of one of the characters’ scenes (their death) and onto the next character in the next fight-scene, keeping to the traditions of wrestling.
Close-ups of artist and star image motifs
Frontman Fink and the other band members can be found singing or playing instruments in all sorts of strange locations as we follow the story of El Corazon, the fictional wrestler. The girl is kidnapped by “The Communist (The Commy Wife Beater)”, the band members play instruments in the gym welcoming the arrival of “Wolf Boy” and Fink plays guitar in the toilets when El Corazon is confronted by “Vamparella”. Basically, the band members are focused in every scene except from the scene where The Communist is confronted with El Corazon.
Possibly some intertextuality to the WWE (wrestling), and possibly references to slapstick comedy such as Mr. Bean, and also the aged-film effect and Mexican costumes could be references to old programmes from the 1970s.
Narrative-based, Performance-based or Concept-based, or combined?
Narrative-based with performance in the background of each shot of the narrative scenes. There is added humour to the characters: how they are dressed, how they act and how they fight with El Corazon, our main character and hero of the day. The ending starts with a heart-shaped transition from the downfall of Frank to the girl thanking and kissing her hero, El Corazon, the other Noah and the Whale band members clapping their hands together in acknowledgement of their achievement as storytellers - using good to defeat evil.
In conclusion, I honestly have to say that even though I have been analysing the video, it has to be one of my favourites now, mainly because of the humour in the fight-scenes between El Corazon and the characters in the character list above. The video shows signs of sticking to the Indie and nu-Folk genres that other music videos of Noah and the Whale show signs of, including shots and close-ups of the band members as they sing, play instruments and watch as the fictional baddies are taken down by fictional wrestler El Corazon. The ending seems to be the happy fairytale ending and really does conclude both the video and my analysis.