Thursday 17 December 2009

Filming: A Disaster Strikes

Unfortunately, whilst trying to keep our Mini DV-Tape inside College after filming last Friday (as I thought I might not be in on the last couple of days before Christmas due to illness or the bad weather conditions on the roads), we could not recover our Tape from our lecturer today when we wanted to film on-location as he was absent from College. Heavy snow was another setback and also prevented us from filming on-location. This meant that without a Tape or any other recording medium we could not film and we had to postpone filming on-location until after Christmas, when we were supposed to be Capturing and Editing all our footage.

The actress we had employed for the scenes which we were going to film today, the happier flashback scenes in our video, has therefore accepted and agreed on rearranging filming to when she is free on her A2-Level timetable, which will be the first couple of weeks when we are back in College after the Christmas holiday period.