Thursday 21 January 2010

Hopeful Planning Prior to Filming On-Location

Tomorrow, we aim to complete our music video and film the remaining shots which we had planned to film before Christmas and are now taking action to ensure the successful completion of the once unsuccessful task. I now have two Mini-DV Tapes for filming - the original one which we could not recover before Christmas, and a new one our Media lecturer has supplied us with in case we cannot recover the original for some reason, so that in all cases we are covered and have some form of recording medium. Therefore, we hope we can film the rest of the footage tomorrow morning, yet we are unable to use our actress so Emily Swager (Art Director from our production crew) has agreed to play Emily Halls' part in tomorrow's filming, where I shall be using handheld camera shots by the Waterfront and in Christchurch Park for the flashbacks and shooting some peformance shots in case we need them (IF THE WEATHER IS OKAY AND THERE ARE NO PROBLEMS - TOUCH WOOD THERE WON'T BE!!).